Thursday, August 14, 2014

facebook messenger ဆိုတာဘာလဲ ? ဘယ္လိုေၿဖရွင္းၾကမလဲ?


facebook အသံုးၿပဳသူေတြကို စိတ္အေႏွာင္႔အယွက္ ၿဖစ္ေစတဲ႔ၿပသနာေတြထဲမွာ messenger ဆိုတဲ႔ apk

တစ္ခုလဲ ပါမယ္လို႔ထင္ပါတယ္ messenger ဆိုတာဘာလဲ? facebook အသံုးၿပဳတာသိပ္မၾကာေသးတဲ႔

user ေတြ သူငယ္ခ်င္းအေပါင္းအသင္းေတြကို messenger အေၾကာင္းကို သင္တို႔မၾကာခဏရွင္းၿပေနရ

တာမ်ိဳး ၾကံဳဖူးၾကမယ္ထင္ပါတယ္ messenger ဆိုတာ facebook ရဲ႕ chat service ကို အသံုးၿပဳလို႔ရေအာင္

facebook က install လုပ္ဘို႔ အၿမဲတိုက္တြန္းေနတဲ႔ apk ပါပဲ အလြန္စိတ္ရွဴပ္စရာပါ တခ်ိဳ႔ဖုန္းေတြမွာဆို

၇င္ messenger ကို install လုပ္ၿပီးသြားရင္ facebook ရဲ႕ chat box မွာ စာပို႔လို႔မရေတာ႔ပါဘူး chatbox

တစ္ခုလံုးအသံုးၿပဳလို႔မရေတာ႔ပါဘူး အဲ႔ဒါမ်ိဳးေတာ႔ ဘယ္သူမွႀကိဳက္ၾကမယ္မထင္ပါ...messenger နဲ႔ပတ္

သက္ၿပီး အေသးစိတ္တင္ၿပထားတဲ႔ ေဆာင္းပါးတစ္ပုဒ္ကို အက်ဥ္းခ်ံဳးၿပီး ဘာသာၿပန္ေဝမွ်ေပးပါ႔မယ္

'facebook messenger is not Evil , It's just misunderstood ' တဲ႔ ဆိုလိုတာကေတာ႔ မေကာင္းဘူးဆို

တာမဟုတ္ပါဘူး နားလည္မွဳ လြဲမွားေနၾကၿခင္းပါတဲ႔ ေဆာင္းပါးရွင္ကေတာ႔ နားလည္မွဳလြဲမွားေနၿခင္းဆိုတာ

ကို ေမးခြန္းထုတ္ထားပါတယ္ သူကနားမလည္ႏိုင္တဲ႔အေၾကာင္းေတြကို ေရးၿပထားတာပါ သူေၿပာထားတာ

ကေတာ႔  " သင္လဲဖတ္မိမယ္ထင္ပါတယ္ online ကေဆာင္းပါးတခ်ိဳ႔မွာ messenger ကို install လုပ္ၿခင္း

အားၿဖင္႔ သင္႔ဖုန္း data ေတြမွတဆင္႔ သင္႔ရဲ႕ စိတ္ဝင္စားဆံုး ကိစၥေတြ ၊ သီးသန္႔ပုဂၢိဳလ္ေရးရာ ခံစားခ်က္အ

ေတြးအေခၚေတြ ၊ သတင္းအခ်က္အလက္ေတြကို ဆြဲထုတ္သြားလို႔ရတယ္ဆိုတဲ႔အေၾကာင္းေတြကိုပါ အဲ႔ဒါ

ေတြက သင္႔ရဲ႕ရွင္သန္ရာဘဝအစိတ္အပိုင္းေတြၿဖစ္တယ္ဆိုတာ အားလံုးအသိပါပဲ အေရးမႀကီးဘူးလားဗ်ာ

လူအေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားကေတာ႔ messenger app ကို  install လုပ္ဘို႔ ၿငင္းဆိုေနၾကပါတယ္ ဖုန္းထဲက သတင္း

အခ်က္အလက္ေတြကို access လုပ္သြားခ်င္ရင္ လုပ္သြားလို႔ရတယ္ဆိုၿပီး စိုးရိမ္ေနၾကတာပါ စိုးရိမ္ၾကတာ

တကယ္ေတာ႔လဲ အံ႔ၾသစရာေတာ႔မဟုတ္ပါဘူး ဘာေၾကာင္႔လဲဆိုေတာ႔ messenger ကို install လုပ္မယ္

ဆိုရင္ မလုပ္ခင္ agree လုပ္ေပးရတာေတြကေတာ႔ ေအာက္ပါအတိုင္းပါ

    Wi-fi Connection information

messenger က ဘာၿဖစ္လို႔ သင္႔ရဲ႕ microphone ကို လိုခ်င္ရတာလဲ ? calender ကို access လုပ္ဘို႔ဘာ

ၿဖစ္လို႔လိုအပ္တာလဲ ? wifi connection ကိုေရာ ဘာေၾကာင္႔လဲ ? တကယ္တမ္းေတာ႔ အဲ႔ permission

ေတြဟာ က်ဴ းေက်ာ္ထိုးေဖာက္မွဳေတြပါပဲ  ဒီ app ကို install လုပ္ၿခင္းကသင္႔အတြက္ ဘယ္လိုမွ မမွန္ကန္

ႏိုင္ပါဘူး..အဲ႔ permission ေတြကိုၾကည္႔ၿခင္းအားၿဖင္႔ သင္႔ ဖုန္းထဲက data ေတြကို access လုပ္ေပးဘို႔

လိုအပ္တယ္ဆိုတာ သင္ေတြ႔ႏိုင္ပါတယ္ အဲ႔ဒီဟာေတြကေနတဆင္႔ သင္႔ network ပိုင္းေတြကို ေၿပာင္းလဲ

ႏိုင္ၿပီး တၿခား app ေတြကိုပါ ဆြဲထုတ္ယူသြားလို႔၇ပါတယ္ ဒီေနရာမွာ messenger ကို install လုပ္ဘို႔

တိုက္တြန္းတာေတြ facebook  service ရဲ႕ စိတ္ကူးစိတ္သန္းေတြကို ရွင္းလင္းခ်က္ထုတ္ေပးဘို႔ facebook

အေပၚတုန္႔ၿပန္မွဳေတြ ၿပသနာေတြ ၿဖစ္လာႏိုင္ပါတယ္...ဒါေပမယ္႔ facebook က ေၿဖရွင္းခ်က္တစ္ခု ထုတ္

ခဲ႔ပါတယ္ messenger မွတဆင္႔ video , photo ေတြကို အလြယ္တကူ ပို႔ႏိုင္ၿခင္း ၊ ဖုန္း call , video call

ေတြကို RECORD လုပ္ႏိုင္ၿခင္း ၊ text message ( sms ) ေတြကိုလက္ခံႏိုင္ၿခင္း ၊ ဒါ႔အၿပင္ ဖုန္း contact

ေတြကို sync မလုပ္ခ်င္ေတာ႔ဘူးဆိုရင္ messenger setting မွတဆင္႔ stop sync contact လုပ္လို႔၇တယ္

ဆိုၿပီး ေၿဖရွင္းခ်က္ေပးထားပါတယ္..ေဆာင္းပါးကေတာ႔ဒါပါပဲ..."

.စာဖတ္သူအေနနဲ႔ကေတာ႔ မိမိဘာသာေကာင္း၏ ဆိုး`၏ ဆံုးၿဖတ္

ႏိုင္ပါတယ္ စာေရးသူ က်ေနာ္ကေတာ႔ အဲ႔ messenger app ကို သေဘာမက်ပါ...က်ေနာ႔လိုသေဘာမက်

သူမ်ားရွိရင္လဲ ေအာက္ပါနည္းအတိုင္းေၿဖရွင္းႏိုင္ပါတယ္ messenger app ကို uninstall လုပ္ၿပီး ၿဖဳတ္

ထုတ္လိုက္ပါ ၿပီးရင္ ေအာက္က app ကိုေမာင္းေပးလိုက္ပါ သူကေတာ႔ icon မတက္ပါဘူး done ဆိုတာ

နဲ႔ၿပီးပါၿပီ messenger ကိုေမာင္းခိုင္းတဲ႔ message ေတြ ဝင္လာေတာ႔မွာမဟုတ္ပါဘူး facebook ကို ေအး


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Download No need messenger app


The permissions which Facebook's Messenger app looks for have been causing confusion and anger, but its nothing Facebook's main app doesn't request already.Reuters

You may have noticed a lot of your friends complaining recently about Facebook forcing them to install a separate Messenger app to continue using the company's chat service.

You may also have read some articles online about the insidious nature of installing this app on your phone, and how Messenger is the spawn of the devil, out to harvest all your most sensitive, privates thoughts and information - and for all we know, your vital organs too.
Facebook Messenger App Icon

There is a lot of scare-mongering going on surrounding Facebook's Messenger app, leading to a situation where people are simply refusing to install it on the grounds that it wants complete access to all the information stored on your smartphone or tablet.

And on the one hand it's not that surprising really, considering the amount of permissions Messenger requires you to give it upon installation.

On the Android version, you need to agree to give Messenger access to the following list of permissions before you can install Messenger (on Android):

    Wi-fi Connection information

What could Messenger want with your microphone? Why would it need access to your calendar? Or your Wi-Fi connection?

In reality

The reality however is, that while these permissions may seem invasive, they are nothing the regular Facebook app isn't collecting from you anyway.

Have a look at the Facebook app permissions and you will see that it in fact requires access to even more data on users' phones and tablets.

As well as all of the above, it also requests access to your device and app history, device ID and a whole host of permissions categorised under "Other" including the ability to begin at startup, draw over other apps and change network connectivity.

The issue here seems to be that people are reacting to Facebook's decision to split the Messenger aspect of its service into an entirely new app and force users to download it if they want to continue using Messenger.

In a blog post addressing the Android permissions specifically, Facebook gives their interpretation of what the permissions for Messenger mean, pointing out Google controls the way permissions are named:

    Take pictures and videos: This permission allows you to take photos and videos within the Messenger app to easily send to your friends and other contacts
    Record audio: This permission allows you to send voice messages, make free voice calls, and send videos within Messenger
    Directly call phone numbers: This permission allows you to call a Messenger contact by tapping on the person's phone number, found in a menu within your message thread with the person
    Receive text messages (SMS): If you add a phone number to your Messenger account, this allows you to confirm your phone number by finding the confirmation code that we send via text message
    Read your contacts: This permission allows you to add your phone contacts as Messenger contacts if you choose to do so. You can always stop syncing your phone contacts by going to your Messenger settings

iPhone permissions

The situation for iOS is slightly different. While Facebook Messenger on Apple's platform looks for a very similar set of permissions, iOS is designed such that users are given the ability to revoke each of these individually without stopping the app from working.

Much of the confusion and fear-mongering about Messenger has revolved around the requested permission to record audio without your permission.

In the Messenger app this is to allow users to record voice messages, just like Whatsapp, Viber or any of the dozens of messaging apps available ask permission to do.

What is less widely discussed, but much more worrying is the fact that the main Facebook app asks for a similar permission, but this is so that Facebook can listen in for up to 15 seconds while you write a status update in order to capture any music which might be playing in the background and share that with your followers.

Creepy, eh?

Credit to : International Business Times

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