Friday, February 7, 2014
Nikon Capture NX2 2.4.6
Photoshop သမားေတြအတြက္ အေတာ္အသံုးတည္႔မယ္႔ေဆာ႔ဝဲလ္ပါ digital camera နဲ႔ရိုက္ထားတဲ႔ ဓါတ္
ပံု RAW format ေတြကို ၿပဳၿပင္တည္းၿဖတ္လို႔ရပါတယ္ Nikon camera အမ်ိဳးအစားမဟုတ္ပါေစ ဘယ္
ကင္မရာနဲ႔ရိုက္ထားတဲ႔ ဓါတ္ပံုမဆို Edit လုပ္လို႔ရပါတယ္ Adobe Photoshop နဲ႔လဲတြဲသံုးလို႔ရပါတယ္
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c: \ windows \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts ကိုသြားၿပီး notepad အေနနဲ႔ဖြင္႔ၿပီး
127.0.0 စာသားေတြကို copy and past လုပ္လိုက္ပါ ၿပီးရင္ ပါလာတဲ႔ serial
ကီးထည္႔ေပးပါလိုခ်င္ရင္ေတာ႔ ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းသြားပါ
ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ ( 106 MB )
Download Nikon Capture
Software version: 2.4.6
Official website: link
Language: Russian, English, and other
Treatment: Complete
Type of medicine: ready serial
System requirements:
Windows XP (x32) / Vista, 7,8 (x32/x64)
CPU: Pentium III 1 GHz or higher; Pentium 4 (2 GHz or higher)
RAM: 256 MB mimimum / 1 GB recommended
HDD: 200MB required for installation
Nicon Capture NX2 - powerful program created by Nikon, completely changes the way of editing digital photos taken by cameras not only its production, but also any other camera regardless of manufacturer.
The software includes special tools for removing highly popular format in NEF (RAW), but it can also be used to manipulate images in JPEG and TIFF, derived from any source. Amazingly easy combining the best opportunities for creativity, simple and convenient interface, Capture NX2 destroys stereotypes about working with digital photos and allows you to see in a different light on the whole process of image processing. The new package is introduced not so much a new concept or types of editing, but simply rendered in a comfortable place already existing functions.
Additional Information:
Created by photographers for photographers, software, Nikon Capture NX2 makes the most precise control over the images and processing it intuitively simple and flexible for any photographer, regardless of their training, setting a new standard in creative digital imaging. Powerful but easy to use, this software allows you to select individual parts of the image by simply selecting the point and simple means to fulfill its complex masking or layering. Capture NX2 will allow you to repeatedly create and modify the image processing operations, without degrading the original image data and provides a fully compliant and continuous process of editing files in JPEG or TIFF files from your camera. For those who use the format NEF (RAW), also available special funds for the correction of optical or digital artifacts.
Revolutionary innovation in the package has acquired technology from the U PointTM Nik Software Inc USA, which allows direct editing zones just finger pointing (mouse, of course, but the present editor and photographer, one of which pokes into the sky, saying "here, I want darker and Posin ' also possible, because then the work will make more sense) and the subsequent movement of the sliders from the menu basic settings (brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, etc.).
Key features:
Technology U Point: opportunities checkpoint function Control Points Capture NX2 and Technology U PointTM allow convenient, quick and intuitive to select specific areas of color and tone.
Auto Retouch Brush (Brush Auto Touch): an effective and powerful tool that allows a simple press to remove unwanted dust spots or details.
Quick Fix (quick fix): a combined panel of commonly used tools greatly simplifies the process of editing large batches of images
Selection control point (control point): simplifies the process enhance the visual sharpness of the image (unsharp mask) or blur selected part of an image (Blur) and can be used with virtually any image correction tool. Correction can be applied to the entire image or specific areas without the need for precision selection or masks.
Customizable Workspaces (Customizable workspaces): 4 fully customizable workspaces allow you to personalize the selection of tools, create your own shortcuts and switch instantly between all work areas without data loss.
Photo Management (Picture Control): a set of different labels that use XMP and IPTC standards make it easy to tag and sort images. Provides a consistent transition with ViewNX, Windows Vista or Adobe Bridge.
Ability to work on two monitors: allows you to extend your workspace when you install two monitors.
The procedure for treatment:
1. The file c: \ windows \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts is necessary to register the line:
2. Install the program.
3. Register the program of distributing keys.
Another way:
1. Install the program.
2. Block output firewall and Internet
3. Register the program of distributing keys.
Russification procedure:
Copy files from one folder to
C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Nikon \ Capture NX 2
2 folder to folder
C: \ Program Files \ Nikon \ Capture NX 2
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