Saturday, February 1, 2014

Adobe Photoshop Touch 1.4.1 [Android 3.1, Multi]

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ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ ( 13 MB )

Download Adobe Photoshop Touch

Title: Adobe Photoshop Touch
Version: 1.4.1
Year: 2013
Developer: Adobe Systems
Language: Multi / Russian
Tag: Graphics

Platform: Android 3.1
System requirements:
Android 3.1 +
Minimum screen size 7''
Monitor Resolution 1024x600
Camera (recommended)
Installer Type: *. Apk

Publication Type: pirates
Tabletka: not required

Adobe Photoshop Touch lets you quickly combine images, apply professional effects to them and share their work with friends and family via Facebook, and perform many other tasks of image processing - all from your tablet device

Creating images by combining images, the use of popular image editing tools and applying them to professional effects
Fast image search, exchange creative ideas with other users, view comments - all this right in the application through integration with Facebook and Google1, 2
Access to online learning materials that can help you quickly achieve excellent rezultatov3
Sync projects with Adobe Creative Cloud ™ and multilayer opening files created in Adobe Photoshop Touch, directly in Photoshop

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