Wednesday, December 25, 2013

WinRAR 5:01 Final RePack (& ??portable) by KpoJIuK [Ru / En]


winrar update ေလးပါ portable ေကာ repack လုပ္ၿပီးသားေကာ အားလံုးပါပါတယ္ install လုပ္တဲ႔အခါ

language ကို Eng ေၿပာင္းေပးလိုက္ပါ full မၿဖစ္ရင္လဲ ကီးေလးပါပါတယ္ လိုခ်င္ရင္ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္း


ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ ( 4 MB )

Download Winrar 5.01

Software Version 5.01
Official website: link
Interface language: Englisch, Russian
Treatment: not required

System Requirements:

? Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8

WinRAR - one of the most famous arhivatorov. It, What It supports Archived in RAR format, well, probably, ob'âsnât' not down. Additionally, Togo, the work program umeet with arhivami ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE 2.0, BZIP, JAR, UUE, GZIP, BZIP2 and 7-Zip, with this it possesses numerous very poleznymi Guests - encryption, support continuous (solid) archives, in kotoryh grade compression can be 10 - 50% more, than in obycnyh compression methods, Special algorithm for compression mul'timedijnyh files, support mnogotomnyh archives and many others.

Basic Program features:
? Full support RAR archives and use the original vysokoéffektivnogo data compression algorithm
? Availability graphical shell with podderžkoj Technologies dragging (drag & drop)
? Possibility use command-line interface
? Management arhivami other formats (CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, tar.gz, BZ2, TAR.BZ2, ACE, UUE, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z)
? Supports continuous method Archiving for more Better compression
? Support mnogotomnyh archives
? Create samoraspakovyvaûsihsâ (SFX) archives obycnyh and mnogotomnyh via standartnogo or extra modules SFX
? Possibility VOSSTANOVLENIE physically damaged archives
? Possibility to create and use volumes for restoration, pozvolâûsih vossozdavat' nedostaûsie honor mnogotomnyh archives.
? Supports Unicode character set in file names
? extra functions (data encryption and file names in the archive, add comments archival, Accounting Protocol Errors)
? Use storonnego décor Interface Software to see otdel'nyh tem

New in version 5:01:
? 1 5.0 RAR archives can incorporate in Himself for more information
Fast opening - this depends on the keys - [- | +] or group parameters
"Information for quick opening archives" in the dialog box
Archiving. Thanks this Features WinRAR faster scityvaet
The content archives.

In this version increased speed Renewal archives containing as
information for quick opening, Tak and služebnye records, for example,
data on NTFS permissions. Additionally, Togo, Accepted by Default
Parameters information for quick opening optimized for more
More Fast Opening takih archives.

? 2 Ispravleny mistakes:

a) Team results could give the error again find text
string in the archive .7 z;

b) the open archives with RAR 5.0 zašifrovannymi imenami files, kotoryj
Tak is stored in another archive, WinRAR my ošibocno Notify
the unbelieving parole. Also proishodilo, only if the passwords for
vnutrennego and vnešnego archives were raznymi. For extracting files
This is not influenced, all files raspakovyvalis' is normally depends
Posts from the unbelieving parole;

c) the parameter "Use for all archives" in the dialog box input
PAROLE not podavlâl extra queries Paro for archives
RAR 5.0 s zašifrovannymi imenami files;

g) to address stroke WinRAR neverno obrabatyvalis' Puti with Usage
environment variables, eg% temp%;

d) Subject to prior access NTFS and fajlovyh streams do not work for
files with viewsMe dlinnee 260 characters;

e) the command "Test" could ošibocno Notify the Damage korrektnyh
To recover your data if testirovalas' only a part of files
archives in RAR 5.0. In total Test Archive ALSO not proishodilo;

f) the command "Test" ošibocno alerting error in verification
UNIX symbolic links in RAR 4.x;

z) command WinRAR "View" does not work for files inside archives BZIP2;

i) if was Disabled parameters "Save the precise time depending files"
Archiving in the dialog box, WinRAR voobse not sohranâl time
amendments Hota Had to Save it with Low accuracy;

k) Puti destination containing component. "\" or ".. \", no Operated
when unpacking otlicnyh of RAR archives via WinRAR Standby
command line;

l) WinRAR not raspakovyval mnogotomnye CAB archives.

Features RePack'a:
? Features versions:
? Tip: Design, Unpacking portable [PortableAppZ]
? Languages: Russian, Englisch
? Treatment: Spent [keygen-CORE]
? Razrâdnost': Automatic selection x86/x64
? Kluci command line:
? Silent Installation Russkoi version: / S / IR
? Silent Installation anglijskoj version: / S / IE
? Unpacking Russkoi portable version: / S / PR
? Unpacking anglijskoj portable version: / S / PE
? Selection of location: / D = path
? Key / D = path sleduet ukazyvat' cheapest Newest
? For example: WinRAR.v5.01.exe / S / R / D = C: \ MyProgram

Additional Information:
? Chance of treatment you nastroek during installation. Your file Settings.reg can be obtained by using the zapustiv programs and in team Parameters> Export parameters in the file.
? Nadoel standard interface? Please: Svoi themes raspakovyvat' in the folder WinRAR5PREFS \ Themes. The structure will be approximately TAKOJ: WinRAR5PREFS \ Themes \ Name Tools \ files bmp, ico, and others.
? You - owner licenzionnoj version or want to admire someone names in ébaute? Grace Pros: file rarreg.key clasts in the folder WinRAR5PREFS. During installation it will automatically skopirovan in the folder with programmoj [Dannau opportunity available for portable version].

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