သူကေတာ႔မိမိရဲ႕အေကာင္႔ေတြ ပါတ္စ္ဝါတ္ေတြကို ကာကြယ္ေပးတာပါ ေဆာင္ထားသင္႔တဲ႔ေဆာ႔ဝဲလ္ပါ
မိမိရဲ႕အေကာင္႔ေတြကို hacker ေတြရဲ႕ရန္ကလည္းအၿပည္႔အဝကာကြယ္ေပးပါတယ္ မိမိကအင္တာနက္မွာ
မည္သည္႔ဝဘ္ဆိုဒ္ကိုမဆို အေကာင္႔ေတြ password ေတြနဲ႔ဝင္ရင္သူက auto မွတ္တမ္းတင္ၿပီးသိမ္းဆည္း
ထားေပးပါလိမ္႔မယ္ အကယ္၍ မိမိ password ကိုေမ႔သြားခဲ႔ရင္ ၿပန္ရွာလို႔ရပါတယ္ ေအာက္မွာသံုးတတ္
ေအာင္ screenshot ေလးေတြၿပထားပါတယ္ လိုခ်င္ရင္ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းလိုက္ပါ
ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ ( 15 MB )
Download Stiky Password
key ထည္႔နည္းကေတာ႔ ေဆာ႔ဝဲလ္ကို install လုပ္ရင္ ကီးေတာင္းပါလိမ္႔မယ္ notepad ထဲမွာပါတဲ႔ကီးတ
ခုခုနဲ႔ ထည္႔ေပးၿပီးေမာင္းလိုက္ပါ ၿပီးရင္ေဆာ႔ဝဲလ္ကိုမဖြင္႔ပါနဲ႔ keygen ကိုေအာက္ကပံုအတိုင္းထည္႔ေပး
လိုက္ပါ keygen မထည္႔ခင္ antivirus ကိုပိတ္ဖို႔မေမ႔ပါနဲ႔

ပါလာတဲ႔ keygen ဖိုင္ေလးကို Icon ေပၚမွာ right click လုပ္ၿပီး openfile location မွာ copy and past
ခ်ေပးလိုက္ပါ ၿပီးရင္ run လိုက္ပါ
( 2 ) က browser မွာ C>>Program file ထဲက stikypassword file ကိုေရြးေပးလိုက္ပါ
( 1 ) update ကိုႏွိပ္ေပးလိုက္ပါ ၿပီးရင္ close ကိုႏွိပ္ၿပီးၿပန္ထြက္လိုက္ပါ အားလံုးၿပီးသြားရင္ keygen
ဖိုင္ေလးကို ၿပန္ဖ်က္ထုတ္လိုက္ပါ မဖ်က္ထုတ္ရင္ ဗိုင္းရပ္ပရိုဂရမ္က ၿပန္ဖ်က္ခိုင္းပါလိမ္႔မယ္

သူက program အလုပ္လုပ္ဖို႔အတြက္ master Password ေတာင္းတာပါ password ထည္႔ေပးလိုက္ပါ
ၿပီးရင္ ( 3 ) ကိုအမွန္ၿခစ္ေပးလိုက္ပါ

အားလံုးၿပီးသြားရင္ ေဆာ႔ဝဲလ္ကိုဖြင္႔ၿပီးေတာ႔ ( 1 ) menu ကတဆင္႔ ( 2 ) ကပံုအတိုင္းအမွန္ၿခစ္ၿဖဳတ္ေပး
လိုက္ပါ update ကို ပိတ္ေပးဖို႔ crack version ကိုသံုးတဲ႔ေဆာ႔ဝဲလ္တိုင္းမေမ႔ၾကပါနဲ႔
Year / Issue Date: 2013
Version: v7.0.3.30
Developer: Copyright © 2001-2013 Lamantine Software
Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Language: English
Medicine: Present
System requirements:
Sticky Password 5.0 supports the following operating systems:
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8 (desktop mode only)
iOS 4.x and above
Minimum system requirements Windows
256 MB of RAM
15 MB free hard disk space
supports 32-bit applications / browsers 32 and 64-bit systems
Sticky Password - a unique program that integrates the system remembers and automatically enters the user IDs and passwords in the fields of any site, any program on your computer! Sticky Password oppose keylogers and other spy program to try to capture your passwords.
A password-protected powerful encryption algorithms, including AES / Rijndael with 256 to date, most reliable.
Sticky Password - the best solution for passwords!:
• No need to remember all those passwords
• Keep your personal information safe!
• Automatic filling out forms
• Protection from phishing attacks and keyloggers
• Take your passwords with you, wherever you sent
• Defender passwords uses the latest technology and opposes keyloggers and other spyware. It informs the user about the attempts of computer programs and libraries to get information from other programs.
• The portable version allows you to have passwords are always at hand. Sticky Password can be run from any portable device - USB disk or even CD.
• Open access to the passwords using a USB or Bluetooth device. Now you do not need to enter a password.
• password-protected powerful encryption algorithms, which can not be cracked in a reasonable time.
• Automatic form filling works for all programs and web pages. Password, login and other fields will be filled automatically if necessary.
• You can store multiple passwords and logins for the same account.
• Easy to use: you can use and modify the stored information directly from the application that uses them.
• Automatic database backup passwords: passwords changed or deleted can be restored at any time.
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