Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Avast! Pro Antivirus 2014 9.0.2008 Final [Multi / Ru]


Avast Pro anti virus 2014 ပါ သူကေတာ႔ trial version ပါ ကီးဖိုင္ေတာ႔မထြက္ေသးပါ trial version ကို

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ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ (111 MB )

Program Version: 2014 9.0.2008 Final
Official website: link
Language: Russian, Ukrainian, English and other
Treatment: None (30 days trial)

System requirements:

• Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4, Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 7/8 (32 -bit or 64-bit), Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
• Processor: Intel Pentium III or higher (depending on the requirements of your OS and installed third-party applications).
• Memory: 128 MB RAM or higher (depending on the requirements of your OS and installed third-party applications).
• Hard disk: 600 MB free space (to download and install).
• Internet connection (to download and register the product, and automatic update antivirus databases).
• Optimally standard screen resolution not less than 1024x768 px.

Avast! Antivirus Pro - antivirus software that can find viruses on your PC hard disk in its memory, boot sectors, etc. Supported by a virus in the letters, there is a script blocker. Virus database is constantly updated and can be downloaded via the Internet. Avast! has a simple and intuitive interface with skins support. The program is equipped with modules for checking e-mail, Internet traffic, IM and P2P clients. Contains a repository of suspicious and infected files, and scanning module before loading Windows.

To increase the level of protection avast! Pro Antivirus uses full virtualization. Any application can be run in a virtual environment "sandbox" to prevent intruders sneak into your PC. Moreover, for the implementation of the most sensitive operations avast! SafeZone provides an isolated "fortress" on the desktop.

Major changes
• Fixed: problem with Metro-applications (after upgrading to Windows 8.1)
• Fixed: occasional problems with playing sound when upgrading VPS (virus signatures)
• Fixed: Problem with warning Outpost Firewall ("unsigned" driver)

Changes in avast! 2014
Features and enhancements related to the protection
• New technology allows DeepScreen avast! make more informed decisions about new / unknown files. DeepScreen is the successor AutoSandbox, updated at the moment some of the new technologies.
• New Hardened-mode for more stringent blocking scenarios. This new mode, which is recommended especially for novice users (eg, your grandmother), it automatically blocks the execution of binary files, which are usually deeply embedded in the system (level Moderate), or allow only programs with a good rating in FileRep (level Aggressive). In a sense, this mode brings the concept of "white list" in anti-virus solution.
• Improved capacity of the cloud scanning and crowdsourcing analysis of suspicious objects. Features include new. optimized data collection mechanisms with sencorov Avast.
• Technology streaming updates for current detection. This is not entirely new solution for versions 2014 (9.0), but at the moment in Avast really fully prepared for streaming infrastructure upgrades that will ensure safe and trouble-free operation. At the moment is about 350-400 updates per day, which allows for signature updates approximately every 3.75 minutes, 24x7, 365 days a year. Streaming updates can now also carry more types of definitions than before.
• Improved cleaning malware. This standard applies to malicious programs, as well as rootkits and file viruses.

New Features
• Completely new plug-in for web browsers, which offers a comprehensive assessment of the safety and protection from malware, phishing and taypskvottingovyh websites, as well as the function of Do-Not-Track (DNT) to increase anonymity on the Internet. DNT function does not rely on headlines DNT HTTP, and uses its own technology. which can not be changed servers.
• Completely new SafeZone for safer online banking and online shopping. Now, users can switch between conventional and SafeZone browser with a single click. In addition, bank websites can be automatically opened in the SafeZone.
• Disk Recovery Rescue Disk - allows users to create a bootable disk or flash drive with Antivirus avast! thereon. Excellent for cleaning infected systems from threats.
• New user interface for easier navigation and more comfortable use. This is the biggest change of the interface, starting with version 5. Screens have been revised, which remained in the total amount of all three (Display a file system, Screen-mail and Web-screen), and tweaked the action tiles on the main page, which are now fully customizable.
• Control and management of all protects the device directly through the control panel Avast. Now account integrated interface for managing all devices under the protection of Avast.
• Significantly reduced size of the products (full installer <60MB, compared with <120 MB today). The default installation is performed using the new mounting system, the advantage of which - always put the latest version).
• Faster scanning, thanks to optimized engine scanning mechanism. Direct (in memory) scan EXE-file is about 2 times faster, and scan text content (eg, web pages and scripts) is carried out up to 10 times faster.
• Completely rewritten installer / updater, which makes the installation and upgrade process faster, easier and more reliable.
• Firewall has been redesigned from the ground up to ensure the best compatibility with the latest operating system Windows, has better performance and full support for IPv6 (although the user interface firewall really has not changed).
• New licensing system makes it much more convenient and easier to manage licenses for antivirus. The system is based on the activation codes that can be easily added by simply clicking on a link.
• Various improvements in the tools Software Updater and Browser Cleanup.

Key technologies
• antivirus and antispyware kernel - Innovative scan engine provides protection from viruses, spyware and other malicious agents.
• Protection against rootkits in real time - Prevents downloading hidden malware (rootkits) that during boot the computer is invisible to other scanners.
• avast! WebRep - Provides reliability ratings and reputation of web sites based on feedback from the community members.
• avast! CommunityIQ - Our technology uses a global network of sensors to transmit to us (anonymous) data about the real experiences of work in the Internet user groups avast!, Wished to leave a review. This data is then used to protect all users of avast! by providing the latest information on viruses and infected websites.
Thanks to avast! CommunityIQ last 30 days avast! identified 73,711 infected websites and protected 122,464,309 people are on their visit.

High-tech features
• The scanner operating at system initialization - Scans your computer for infection before the OS will be able to activate any viruses contained in it.
• avast! SafeZone - Opens a new (empty) desktop so that other applications are not "see" what is happening - the perfect solution for carrying out banking operations or secure ordering and purchasing goods. After closing leaves "traces".
• AutoSandbox - Offers users to run suspicious applications in a virtual environment "sandbox".
• avast! Sandbox - Provides an extra layer of protection for your PC and its applications in a virtual environment in which any attack go unnoticed (instead of a real PC).
• Intelligent Scanner - Reduces the number of required inspection of files up to 80% using the "white" list of safe applications. Files identified as safe are not scanned again, unless they have changed.
• Mode "without notice / game" - Automatically detects full-screen applications and disables the "pop-up" windows and other notifications without risk to safety.
• «Green" Computer - Consumes minimum computer resources due to the efficient and effective technology.

Displays real-time protection avast! - Protection 24/7
• Display a file system - Scan public / executable files in real time.
• Screen-mail - Checks all incoming and outgoing mail for malicious software (for MS Outlook uses a special plug-in).
• Web Shield - Scans all visited web pages, downloaded files, and java-scripts. With intelligent scanning features flow web screen does not slow down your work on the Internet.
• Screen P2P / IM screen - Checks files downloaded using P2P-programs, using instant messaging or chat.
• Firewall - Provides protection against network viruses from two components: Blocking URL-addresses for blocking malicious URL and undemanding to resources of an intrusion detection system.
• Screen Script - Detects malicious scripts hidden in Web pages without letting them take control computer and inflict potential harm.
• The screen behavior - Blocks threats "zero day" and unknown malware before receiving virus definitions.

• Heuristic kernel - Proactively detect malware not detectable using standard definitions and virus signatures.
• Emulator code - implemented the principle of dynamic translation, is fast compared to traditional emulation, for a total of unpacking and inside the kernel heuristic.
• Automatic processing - Infected files are processed automatically without prompting the user's instruction.
• Intelligent update virus definitions - Incremental update minimizes the file size of regular updates.
• Rapid application updates - New file format speeds up the virus definition updates, and reduces the need for CPU and memory resources, thereby ensuring trouble-free operation.
• Optimization of multi-test - Possibility to divide large files between cores, thereby accelerating the process of checking for new multi-core CPUs and further increases the speed of the avast!.
• Awakening / Scheduled checks - Planning scanning at night or any other time of inactivity PC.
• Command-line scanner - Start scanning directly from the command line.

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